Eventually I will have the motivation to workout on weekends, but 5 days a week is where I currently cap-out.
I found something interesting while roaming the world wide web; A photographer who sought out females in male sports. Take a look:
"This series looks at male orientated sports through the female aesthetic. The series 'Female Boxers' was inspired by the documentary 'Ways Of Seeing' by John Berger.
It compelled me to take a closer look at how the female is viewed in today's society and also to explore a way to portray this through a photographic narrative.
I spent few months making emails and phone calls to the Amateur Boxing Association of England in order to gather further information on gyms in London that hosted female boxers.
All in all I spent about three to four months at a great gym in the North West of London where I spent each Sunday taking portraits of the girls who chose to use boxing as a form of self expression.
I guess it was a way for me to examine not only perceptions of how females are viewed but also perceptions I have about our society and if it is able to manipulate the way in which we perceive things."
—Inzajeano Latif